"I am giving you an opportunity to grow. You have been asking for more...for increase. You have been asking to be conformed to the image of My Son. You have asked Me to increase your capacity, to enlarge your territory, to change you from the inside out.
Well, this TRIAL, this TENSION, this CONFLICT is My GIFT to you. I am answering your prayers. I am giving to you the opportunity for a MASSIVE UPGRADE. I am increasing and expanding your potential to maximum capacity. Prepare to be stretched.
I am enlarging your viewpoint. As you come to Me in this difficulty to seek my help, I am going to take you up higher. I am going to reveal My perspective seated high above your circumstance. I will give you the objective perspective you are looking for. Together we will view your difficulty through a zoomed out lens...from outside of time and space.
I am not making light of your circumstance. No, most certainly not. For I am the God who numbers the hairs of your head and captures every tear in my bottle. I feel your pain and am with you in your suffering. I can handle your questions. I simply long to take you up higher to see through my eyes this moment in time. Prepare for a perspective shift.
I desire to show you WHO I AM for you in this moment. Would you come to Me? Please don't isolate yourself when the fear, and anxiety, and depression seek to pull you away from Me. I long to be your comfort, your friend, and your hope.
I am full of wisdom for the difficult choices you are facing. I have light for the darkness that seems to encroach upon your thoughts. My healing balm is readily available to heal every hurt and every wound as you sit in my presence. Trust Me. I have good in store for you. Prepare for intimacy.
Be still. Even now feel My breath in your lungs. Feel My wind caress your face. Allow the warmth of my glory rays to penetrate your skin. Hear My song over you. Smell the fragrance of My presence. Hear the whisper of My voice saying, "This is the way. Walk in it."
Look into My eyes. Receive the truth that you are fully accepted. You are cherished. You are deeply wanted and valued. Prepare for identity transformation.
You are not alone. You are not going through this hardship alone. Your Papa Dad is here for you. I've got deep pockets and an unending supply of love for you. I'm only one call away."
"I hear the Lord saying, 'I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide. So don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before. Don’t make me tug you and pull you along. Just come with me!'"- Psalm 32:8-9 TPT