At the beginning of the Pandemic, I had a sobering warning dream that I have shared privately but have not released publicly until now. I am sensing to share it now as I feel it is important for the times ahead.
During quarantine, before going to sleep, on April 1, 2020, I specifically entreated the Lord to speak to me in my dreams concerning the times and seasons we were in. The following is the dream that He gave me that night.
My husband and children were outside in our front yard when it started hailing. Quickly the downpour became heavy. Some of the hailstones were baseball sized. I began calling urgently from the front door of our home for my family to run inside for safety.
After the storm had passed, we went outside to survey the damage. I was shocked by the size of the hail stones. Some parts of the yard looked relatively untouched while other sections had mounds of hail piled several feet high.
Standing outside in the aftermath, my husband mentioned that a cloud had passed above just before the hail came. This cloud bore an image of a hail storm upon it. At this point in the dream, I was able to see (as if back in time) this cloud my husband had seen. On the bottom of this gray cloud was woven a picture of a hail storm. The cloud had passed over our house and moved into the distance when what was depicted took place in reality.
Next, a series of gray clouds passed in the sky over our heads in the dream. Every cloud contained a different picture woven into it. Each picture symbolized the next event that was about to take place in the earth.
The fear of the Lord seized my husband and I...and we sensed the world. There seemed to be an acceleration. Each subsequent event that took place appeared to increase both in INTENSITY and MAGNATUDE. These events carried a sense of weightiness, awe, and dread globally.
We recognized that God was showing us in ADVANCE what was about to take place so that we could prepare. However, we had to act quickly! If we didn't heed and obey as soon as we received the warning, we could be injured or killed by what was coming.
This pattern begin happening regularly. In the dream it appeared as if one cloud/event came after another with very little pause in between. It felt as if the world had barely caught it's breath before the next thing hit. As one cloud was fading into the distance, it seemed the next was rising in the East.
The symbols that I saw in the clouds were in order: a hail storm, a rocket/missile, a large whale, another much larger rocket/missile. When I saw this last one I felt a sense of dread in the dream. At one point between the clouds we experienced a heavy wind.
Following all of this, a cloud passed overhead that depicted a terrible hail storm. Unlike the first one, it was clear to us that the damage would be extreme. We knew the hail would be the size of bowling balls and that it would "kill a man". Urgently, I began calling my children to come inside our home for shelter. I knew that this storm would rapidly follow the warning cloud.
As we ran inside, I began crying out emphatically to my husband, "This is IT! It is happening. We are in it!!!"
What I meant by this is that we were in "The Perfect Storm"*. As the dream ended, I did not have the sense that this was the last of the clouds/storms to come. Rather, we were in the midst of the storm.
When I woke up the next morning, my 6-year-old crawled into my lap and began speaking to me about a whale and a rocket ship. As I listen to him, I took note that God was confirming the symbols in my dream through my son.
There are several key points from this dream that I feel the Lord has highlighted for me to share.
If you are living in a manner that you know is displeasing to God.....repent. Turn around. There is no time to wait. Today is the day of your salvation.
"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,"-Acts 3:19
We are entering into a time where being led by the Holy Spirit is critical. Each believer will need to hear God individually for themselves and their family. What God leads one family to do may be different than another family. I believe those who are seeking God's face and intentionally tuning into His voice will forewarned. Not only will He reveal what is coming, but He will release council on what to do and where to go.
"But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come." -John 16:13
There are many competing voices right now. How can we know who is speaking with accuracy from God?
First, tune out the noise. Shut off news, social media, and even prophetic voices.
Next, get into your prayer closet and tune into God. Search the Scriptures. Pray fervently. Get connected to the Vine, Jesus Christ. Recognize God's stamp when you have an inner witness and peace. Do not solely rely on other people for guidance. Never let fear be your guide.
"Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, 'This is the way you should go,'” -Isaiah 30:21a
When the angel woke up Joseph in his sleep to warn him of King Harrod's plan, Joseph didn't wait. He got up immediately with his family and fled to Egypt. Quick obedience to God's voice and leading will be imperative in the times that are coming. Your prompt obedience may literally save your life and that of your family.
On that note, in the dream it was critical to have my children near and well trained to heed my call. This sobered me. Moms and Dads, lets persevere in training our kids to listen and obey.
“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” -Luke 11:28b
In the dream our home was symbolic, I believe, of being hidden in Christ who is our Protector and Shelter. By dwelling in the secret place of the Most High & abiding under the shadow of the Almighty, we were safe. Meanwhile, those outside the home would be exposed to the worst of what was coming. There will be a covering and protection for the righteous who take refuge in Yahweh. (see Psalm 91)
"Lord, through all the generations you have been our home!" -Psalm 90:1
"Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by." -Psalm 57:1
From what God has shown me, I believe that the symbols have both a literal/natural and a spiritual/symbolic meaning. I do not have a full understanding of the symbols nor the exact timing of when these events will occur. Neither do I sense a release from God to speak into the symbols in detail at this time. It is my personal belief that the timeline of The Perfect Storm* began at the onset of 2020.
Through humbling ourselves, prayer, repentance, turning from our wicked ways, and seeking God's face, I believe that some of what I saw in this dream can be averted or minimized.....but not all. We have sown the wind and are reaping the whirlwind.
Be encouraged though...even as these storms come, I believe the Bride of Christ will rise in authority, power, and glory to manifest the Kingdom of God on the earth as in Isaiah 60.
I write all of this not to bring fear, but to exhort every one of us to be alert, prayerful, and vigilant. It is my belief that there are more storm clouds yet to come. God has an assignment for each of us during this storm. Let us then tune into God's voice, abide in His presence, prepare as He leads, and be ready to move at His prompting.
May the blessing of the Lord be with you and your family.
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe." -Proverbs 18:10
*If you are unfamiliar with the "Perfect Storm" prophecy given by John Paul Jackson in 2008, I encourage you to take a listen here. I believe he was a true prophet of God. Though his timing may have been a little off, I believe much of what he saw has already begun and will continue to take place.