On Sunday morning, 8-25-19, I woke from a dream entailing a rising plumb-line prophet. As I woke up from this dream the name William Wilberforce rang over and over in my mind.
I had no idea who this person, William Wilberforce, was besides a vague recollection of having heard the name before in the past. I began searching information about this man and seeking the Lord regarding what He was saying.
After some research I found the following about Wilberforce:
1. He was a passionate and persistent Christian politician who fought at the forefront for the abolition of the British slave trade.
As Wilberforce pressed forward in his calling from God, he encountered severe opposition.
“…every obstacle imaginable, including ill-health, death threats, and defeats almost too numerous to count. But they changed the conscience of a nation and ended a terrible evil.” ~Lawrence Reed. *
2. He was one of Britain’s great social reformers. His goal, which he realized in many ways, was moral reform brought about by a turn from nominal to real Christianity.
Wilberforce was deeply concerned with how “religious” society deemed sin as trivial and God without due fear. In his book, Wilberforce says, “Their slight notions of the guilt and evil of sin [reveal] an utter [lack] of all suitable reverence for the Divine Majesty.** This principle [reverence for the Divine Majesty] is justly termed in Scripture, ‘The beginning of wisdom.’”
His book, A Practical View of Christianity, was widely read in society at the time and produced remarkable change. A generation later, a well-known Evangelical clergyman, Daniel Wilson, concluded,
“Never, perhaps, did any volume by a layman on a religious subject, produce a deeper or more sudden effect.”***
As I inquired of the Lord over what He was saying about this man, I heard Him speak to my spirit:
“Wilberforce was a lightning rod in My hand. My strength was perfected in his weakness.
I am raising up William Wilberforces in this earth who will champion the cause of the oppressed and who will champion a return to morality in the church. They will be people of persistence who refuse to give up or back down. They will know how to bear the cost and keep on going. They will suffer for My name sake. They will lay down their life to see righteousness, holiness, and justice again established in My church.
Writings will come forth from these men and women with My anointing upon them to break the bondage to this world that so many of My people are held captive to. These books and writings will shake the foundation and core of faulty beliefs and ideology that people have held. There will again be a plumb line of morality and righteousness that will be raised in this generation.
I am raising up Wilberforces in the government and justice system who will spearhead the abolition of abortion and sex trafficking...your modern-day slave market. I will rescue these little ones. My name will be feared again. I will not be mocked. I am cleansing My church.”
*Pray that God will raise up modern day Wilberforces.
*Pray persistence and endurance for those who are championing the cause of the oppressed despite great opposition.
*Pray for radical salvations of those who are in positions of influence in government (as was the case with Wilberforce).
*Pray for increase of conviction of sin, repentance, and fear of the Lord to fall upon the church.
*Pray that the books and writings being released will have such an anointing from God and be so widely read that they will have deep and sudden effect upon the morality of the church and nation.
*Pray for the changing conscience of the nation and an ending of a terrible evil.