In a dream on January 6, 2019, the Lord spoke 2 words loudly in my spirit, “Mega Shift”. *
Sitting with the Lord, I asked what did He mean? What was He saying? What was on His heart? This was His response written as I heard it in my spirit.
"There is a MEGA SHIFT coming to the church. IT WILL BE BUSINESS AS USUAL NO LONGER. Some will rise and others will fall. Those who do not stand in this hour will fall. We are in a moment of decision. A moment to take a stand. Those who refuse to rise up with righteousness will be cut off. Hephzibah or Ichabod. It is a time to choose. You as a church may be complacent no longer. There is no middle ground. Remember Korah’s rebellion? It is a time to take sides. There is a splitting taking place-a separation between the sheep and the goats. It will become obvious which side you are on."
"Choosing Me will mean choosing to move. You can not stay where you are and come with Me. Even the virgins CAME OUT to meet the Bridegroom. There is a coming out taking place. Christians may not hide in holes any longer. There is a cry to come out of hiding. Come out in BOLDNESS about being a Christian. Come out speaking LOUD the truth, justice, righteousness, mercy, and judgement."
"The spirit of deception will run rampant in this time. Many will walk in the way that seems right to them, but it leads to destruction. Many will call good evil and evil good. The Word of God will be scorned by many. Mockers will arise. But the true church will arise as well...but not as people think."
"There will be outpourings on small gatherings, in homes, on playgrounds, in campus dorm rooms. FIRE will be lit from within as at Pentecost. Where people gather together in UNITY TO PRAY, I will be there in the midst of them. Small groups will see and experience My presence, as well as teachers in classrooms. Those who seek Me in PRIVATE will have My Spirit fall on them in PUBLIC."
"MIRACLES IN ORDINARY PLACES WILL OCCUR. By the wayside it will happen. While you are walking and about My business the GLORY will be encountered. My MIGHT will be demonstrated in powerful ways. I will do the extraordinary through and in the ORDINARY."
"Just as My Son was born...the extraordinary came to an ordinary seeming husband and wife in an ordinary small town, in an ordinary stable, announced to ordinary shepherds doing their ordinary work. Some of My greatest miracles will occur, not at conferences or big gatherings, but in an ordinary day as My people GO. I will interrupt the ordinary with the interception of heaven. It will be extraordinary!"
"Follow Me. Have faith in Me. Seek. Ask. Knock. Obey Me. And it will come to pass.
Little gatherings will begin to experience My presence in a powerful way."
"The corporate church (church run as a corporation or business) is dying. She is closing her doors. Those who do not shift and be flexible will break and crumble."
As I was hearing this, I saw in a brief vision a brick church building. The Lord was shifting and moving which I saw in this vision as the foundation of this church shifting locations. As the foundation was moving, the brick church structure kept rigid, which symbolized clinging to religious tradition or being tied to an inflexible church model. The church could not handle the shift and the building broke in half. The foundation literally moved out from under the building and the church crumbled and collapsed.
"Those who are not building with Me, what I am building, will be scattered. Those who refuse the move of My Spirit in their midst will be emptied. It has come to this. I will purify My church. I will make her ready or she will not have the oil necessary to go with Me."
"For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward."-1 Corinthians 3:11-14
"There will begin to be a move of My people-- a mass exodus out of corporate churches (church incorporated). They are not leaving Me but moving to walk in step with Me. Many will gather in homes as they will be discontented with the current structure of the church and don’t know where to go. Church will become more organic. This is necessary. For My people will begin to shift and flow. As the world gets darker…they will be rivers of light. Persecution will increase. Many who remain will fall away. Their hearts will be drawn to the world and hardened."
"Witchcraft, new age, and doctrines of demons will infiltrate the church to bring power to those seeking in the absence of relationship to the Father. The void of the Presence will be felt by many, but they will seek false gods to experience the supernatural. They will perform signs and wonders through the power of demons. They will call themselves the church.”
Though I see in the spirit an exodus from church "incorporated", God is not calling His people out of community. On the contrary, fellowship among the Bride of Christ will become even more imperative as persecution increases and false doctrines circulate. God is emphasizing repentance, unity, a gathering of the remnant, and the knitting of hearts together. To be clear, I am not saying large gatherings of believers will cease. What I do feel I am sensing is that there will be a major shift from the current church model to one that resembles the smaller gatherings of the early church in Acts. Though I see this word as something that has already begun, I believe that parts will unfold over years or possibly decades. Be encouraged that God is shaking and purifying His church in order to bring us into His fullness, to equip us to bring in the harvest, and to manifest His glory on the earth.
*Later I Googled “Mega Shift” and found that a book with this title had been published in 2011 by James Rutz. I have not read this book nor do I recall hearing about it prior to my internet search.