I believe that the Lord is releasing prophets and prophetic voices who are box heads.
Here is what I mean by this...God is sick of the dog and pony show and the parade of the prophetic. He is releasing men and women like William Seymour who during the Azusa street revival would put his head inside of a box and pray as the service went on. Because, it wasn't about him. The greatness of the power and glory that was being released was not about him. It was about the face of God. So he covered his own face refusing to receive the glory for himself for he knew it was a move of God.
God can use any nameless, faceless person to steward the glory of God if they will lower themselves in humility before him. So here come the box head prophets, the ones who are willing to hide their face, just as Moses hid his face under the veil.
You see it wasn't about William Seymour. It wasn't about him. God was releasing a new move of the Holy Spirit. He was releasing the gift of tongues and the baptism of the Holy Spirit back into the church. He was releasing the fivefold ministry back into the church. And though God used Williams Seymour as a catalyst and one who gathered the people together, it wasn't about him.
God is releasing the box head prophets. These are some of the ones who will usher in the weight of the glory of God and the greater manifestation of what we have been looking forward to. But these are not going to be people who wear shiny suits and parade themselves around on stages. These are going to be humble, laid down lovers of Jesus Christ who will decree "It is not about me". Their mantra will be, "He must become greater and I must become less."
I say to you...there WILL be a great move of God, but it is not going to come through a dog and pony show, through glitter, or through any kind of self promotion. It is going to come to the ones gathered whose heads are bowed low.
Much of this movement will begin in homes. It is going to come to the repentant. It is going to come to the poor in spirit. It is going to come to those who are brokenhearted over the wickedness in the land and broken over those who are hurting. It is going to come to the spiritually hungry. It is going to come to those who are laid low. It is going to those of no repute. And it will be ushered in through vessels who are willing to cover their faces, to humble themselves, to be of no name, of no reputation, to those whose hearts say, "He must increase and I must decrease." Only these will be the ones on whom God's glory dwells.
For it is in the gathering place of the humble and contrite of heart where the fire of God will burn on the roof of the house and the glory of God will be in the midst of them. These will not take center stage, but they will take a backseat in what the Lord is doing. The fear of the Lord will grip them.
These who host the move of the glory of God will be the ones as in the book of Ezekiel chapter 9 who wept, groaned, and interceded over the wickedness of their generation. They will not partner with the detestable sins being committed. They weep over them. These were the ones in Ezekiel upon whom the man clothed in linen went out and placed a mark on their foreheads. These marked ones will carry the weighty move of the glory of God. These are the consecrated ones who will not bow to idols, who will not bow to Baal, who refuse to live in compromise, who separate themselves from the world.
For there is a clear distinction coming, and God knows those who are His.
(This is a transcription of a prophetic utterance received on Nov. 19, 2021 by Deborah Valentine.)