I used to struggle with comparing myself with people and measuring myself by their approval and success. It wasn't until I had an encounter with Jesus that comparison's hold began to break off of my life. In this encounter Jesus took a yardstick out of my hand and snapped it over his knee. He told me, "I am breaking the measuring sticks over your life."
You see, this measuring stick had been controlling me....and I was the one holding it up to my husband, my family, other people, and even myself. My worth was attached to my performance. Learning to walk in freedom has been a process that I have had to walk out with intentionality. Much of this freedom has come through inviting Jesus in to heal my identity, my past, and break off cycles of religion.
As I waited upon the Lord last week, He began speaking to me about several areas of concern in the body of Christ referencing performance, competition, strategy, and success. "Well, this will make some people mad," my husband said as he read the words I had recorded. It may....
Before I share below, I want you to know that first I examine my heart with the words the Lord speaks to me. I have pondered these questions for my own life and have personally repented for ways where I have sinned in these areas.
"Who said that you need to perform? Since when is prophecy a performance? Who said there was a daily, or weekly, or monthly quota for the release of words, blogs, or posts? Since when did my prophets care about numbers, likes, and cute sharable phrases? Since when did my teachers concern themselves with being quotable? When did you become marketable?
What if I call you to decree a word in the middle of the night when no one is listening? What does that matter to you?
Are you a salesman or are you a servant?"
"What is this pressure to compete with the other voices that are out there? Who are you competing against?
It is I who establish and promote.
Who placed you under this pressure? Who told you that what I put into your mouth to speak out needed to please people?
I created you for My pleasure. When you walk in obedience to Me, you please My heart. That is enough.
When the message I place in your mouth is rejected---they are rejecting Me. When you experience slander, scorn, mockery, and rejection, you are participating in the cup of My suffering."
"Why are my people so driven by data and research?
'When is the best time to post?'
'What content should I produce?'
'Which marketing strategy gets the most attention?'
'How should I brand my site?'
What happened to you being MY fire brand? Didn't I stamp you with My seal of approval? Is that not enough?
Since when did research and data carry more weight than My wisdom and counsel?
Did Gideon follow the "data" when I whittled his army of over 30,000 down to 300?
Did the disciples follow the "latest growth model" when they prayed and waited in the upper room?
Did Joshua study previous successful battle strategy when he launched the attack on Jericho?
In these instances there is one primary thing these men had in common. They sought My counsel alone and obediently followed my directives. That is all."
"If I was the God of formula....then striking the rock with a staff the second time would not have cost Moses his entrance into the promised land. When bitter water was all there was to drink, I instructed Moses to cast in a tree; yet, Elisha was instructed to cast in salt from a new bowl. The eyes of the blind were opened in multiple ways for Jesus looked to see what his Father was doing in each moment.
You see, I am the God who invites you into relationship...not formula. If I change the strategy from one moment to another, isn't that My prerogative?
When you seek Me, you are seeking the source of living, bubbling, constantly moving water. Following a formula or model is like digging a flawed cistern that holds no water. This work of the hands is empty of the life of My Spirit."
"For my people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves-- cracked cisterns that cannot hold water." Jeremiah 2:13 CSB
"I am looking for obedience. I am looking for faithfulness. I am looking for those whose hearts are completely Mine.
Who will tremble at My word?
Who will come to Me for My counsel alone?
Do not conform to the pattern of this world. If you haven't noticed, I love to confound the wisdom of this world. I love to show off My strength in weak vessels. I take delight in exploding past impossible odds.
I have blueprints ready to go for those who will come to Me with clean hands, a pure heart, and pure motives.
Let ME be the Measurer of your success.
You. Follow Me."