Yesterday during my Quiet Time, the Lord began convicting me about the weightiness and responsibility of being a bearer of His word and voice. With sobriety I have reread these words that I wrote down in my journal, and I feel led to share them with you. After searching my own heart, Jesus uncovered several areas where I needed to personally repent. Specifically, I have a tendency to slip back into fear of man and allow the approval of people to mark me or stick to me like a symbol of worth. Jesus then pointed back to the cross and reminded me that HE is the only proof of love and acceptance that I need and to allow this understanding to permanently mark my heart and self worth.
Below is what I heard Him speak to me in my spirit. This word is specifically for those God has called to communicate His words and messages.
"What you say has value because I put it inside of you. My words have weight. My words carry substance. They are not just words for they carry the power to accomplish what is spoken. My words pierce right to the spirit. Human words fall flat, but My words uproot and plant. They demolish and they build. They set forth into motion My will and continue without relenting until My will is established. My words perpetuate throughout time. Yes, time has no influence and can not hamper My words. They are just as poignant ...just as sharp as the moment they were spoken. My words do not get old for they are living. My words do not wear out for they are ever active. Bear My words with sobriety for they are priceless, and they will ripple throughout time."
"Do not misrepresent My heart. The intention of My heart must permeate the tone of the words you speak for Me. I am a redemptive, hope-filled God. Even in judgement I carry mercy. Be careful to communicate all of My heart. Leaning into Me and knowing Me will keep you close to My heartbeat. Envelop yourself in My love. Know My love for you without any barriers, walls, or restrictions, and you will be able to communicate My heart of love to others. Open up to let Me heal every wounded hurt place inside of you so that you will not be speaking from a place of wounding but a place of wholeness."
"Do not run with the first thing you hear to share it with the world. Sit with Me on it. My words are like a layered present that you get to unwrap. Many settle for describing the outer wrapping of the package without taking the time to linger with Me and inquire of Me. Take the time needed to unwrap the gift and unpack the contents of all that I desire to show you. I am multifaceted and multidimensional. So are My words when you take the time to see and understand them from My perspective."
"Do not sell My words. Do not treat them cheaply. Freely I have given them to you. Freely you have received. Do not put a price tag on what you have received as a gift. Trust Me to provide for you as I did for Elisha and Elijah. I am able to provide in the most unusual ways if you will trust Me. Remember, I supplied a coin in the mouth of a fish for taxes? Through ravens I have provided meat and bread. Through a widow's oil jar I provided plenty. From a rock--water poured. Nothing is too difficult for Me. Let Me receive the glory for how I provide for you as you are faithful to deliver My words with My heart. If you will follow My instructions, you will lack no good thing. I will place a heavy anointing upon the words that you speak and upon the words that you write."
"Remember, to live is Christ, to die is gain. You must die to yourself to truly live. Fear of man, seeking approval and acceptance from any source other than Me must be nailed to the cross. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his soul? Let nothing hold sway in your life but My Word. Then you will be able to give My undiluted word without compromise. Keep a clean heart before Me. Search your heart daily. Test your motives. Try your thoughts. Keep your way pure. The words you speak must be untainted."
"Know My Word and test what you hear by it. Not every spirit is My Spirit. Beware for the enemy has sent out lying spirits into the world to deceive if possible even the elect. 'Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.'"(2 Tim. 2:15)
"As you are faithful in the little, I will give you more. I will expand your sphere of influence and cause My words to go far and wide from your mouth. I will promote you Myself. You---be faithful, be diligent, seek My face, obey My voice, and I will do the rest. Commit your way to Me and trust Me, and I will do this-- I will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn."