"Fear not, for I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Trust Me. I will make your path straight before you. I will be your guide and your companion along the way. I will never abandon you or leave you alone to fend for yourself. I will be your light source even in the darkest of nights. I will be your shield, your protection, your comfort, and your source of strength.
Without Me you can do nothing, but with Me you can scale any mountain cliff. No wall will be too high for you, no river too wide to cross, no obstacle will be insurmountable for you. Lean on My strength and I will see you through every difficulty. You are not alone, my loved one.
Keep looking into My face. Looking at the state of this world and the chaos around you will only bring discouragement and defeat. Seek My face, My heart, and My perspective and you will rise with hope, courage,and purpose. For with Me nothing is impossible. I am the God who levels mountains and raises valleys. I call into existence that which is not as through it were. I see the end from the beginning. My purposes and plans will be accomplished. I am not a man that I should lie. Trust Me with your family, your finances, your health, and your circumstances. Surely I will help you. Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Bow before Me. Lay your will, your rights, your control, and your desires on the altar. Allow My fire to consume you...to burn away all that hinders love and blocks the flow of My Spirit through you. Embrace My purifying and cleansing waters. Surrender all to Me. I've got you in the palm of My hand. Your destiny is waiting to be unveiled. Get ready for fulfillment like you have never known before...for in My presence is fullness of joy and in My right hand are pleasures forevermore. In giving all to know Me, you will receive the pearl of great price. The treasure that you seek will be found in knowing and being known by Me."