"He will take you upstairs to a large room that is already set up." -Mark 14:15a NLT
Where are you needing space or room in order to do the assignment God has given you?
Perhaps you need a physical space such as a home, business, land, or building. Maybe instead you are believing God to open up space in an organization, company, church, or ministry.
This morning during my daily reading a passage popped off the page:
"He will take you upstairs to a large room that is already set up." -Mark 14:15a NLT
I believe God has some encouragement and wisdom that He wants to highlight for those of us who are contending for space or room.
In Mark 14, the disciples were receiving instructions from Jesus on where to prepare the Passover. Here are several things we can notice and apply to our circumstances.
First, the disciples recognized a legitimate need for a physical space to accomplish an assignment. Second, they were bound by a specific time frame in which this assignment needed to be carried out (by Passover).
So, how did the disciples respond to these pressures?
1) They voiced their need and ASKED Jesus, "Where do you want us to go?"
We don't see them fretting and worrying or scouring advertisements for available room rentals. They simply went to Jesus. In seeking his direction, they received clear and specific instructions.
2) After receiving instructions, the disciples had to GO. Faith is exercised through action. Divine connection was directly tied to the timing of their obedience. “As you go...you will meet a man." -Mark 14:13a This man was the direct connection that they needed to lead them to the space God had prearranged for them to occupy.
"So the disciples did as Jesus told them." -Matt. 26:19 a
Remember, "Suddenlies" are preceded by faithful steps of integrity and obedience and the sowing of fervent righteous prayer.
Not only did God secure a room in advance....He had already MOVED on the heart of the owner to lend the space. The disciples simply needed to approach the owner and speak with him.
Father God knew what Jesus and the disciples needed. He not only provided a space, but He went above and beyond ensuring that it was rightsized, furnished, set up and PREPARED with everything they would need.
"The owner will take you upstairs and show you a large room furnished and ready for you to use."-Mark 14:15a CEV
I believe God wants to encourage those seeking Him for space with these words:
"First you must WAIT on My instructions and timing, and then you must GO. Don't be afraid to go. For along the way I have divine connections for you that will lead you to the destination I have marked out for you on your destiny road.
Do not be anxious about the timing, for I know the time constraints you are operating under. Release your faith! For I am the God who operates outside of time and space, and I know your need. Watch Me work behind the scenes on your behalf to prepare the way, to furnish what is missing, to set up what is needed.
I, even I, am the one who turns the hearts of kings like water, and I am able to move in the hearts of even the most unlikely on your behalf to bestow favor upon you and your endeavor.
I am not stingy. No, I am not the God of lack but the God of Abundance. I did not just supply a room, but I supplied an Upper Room. I did not provide the bare minimum, but I secured a LARGE, Fully Furnished space. Release your faith. Trust Me. For My heart is to move on your behalf as you ask, seek, and knock in ways that are exceedingly, abundantly beyond all you could ever ask or imagine. It gives Me great pleasure to BLOW YOU AWAY with My Goodness. I delight in giving you the Kingdom.
At times the vehicle and space may not look exactly like you were expecting or envisioning. Be assured though, that it is exactly what I planned for My purposes and what you need. For the birth of my Son, I readied a stable. For Jonah, I prepared a fish. For David, I first made room in a cave and then later a palace. For Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, I readied the vehicle of a donkey. From My perspective, these were ideal and timely. Don't let your preconceived notions dismiss the very vehicle, room, or space that I am providing for you.
My Obedient Ones, keep stepping forward in the assignment I have called you to. Wait on Me for direction and then quickly advance with hearts of courage and obedience when I speak. I am going ahead of you to prepare the way and establish you securely where I have assigned you. Trust Me. I know what I am doing. Rest confidently in My Love. I am Readying Room."
Father, thank you for your extravagant generosity and foresight on behalf of your children. I ask even now for those reading that angels be released on assignment to go before them and prepare a large space for them to move into all You God planned beforehand, as written in each destiny scroll, for them to occupy. Amen.