We are in a very significant moment in history, a Kairos moment in time. We are transitioning from one cycle into another--a cycle of sevens. The passing of Queen Elizabeth II has been a significant marker of the transition we are undergoing in the spiritual and natural realms. I believe it is not an accident that she passed right before Rosh Hashanah at the end of a 7 year cycle and the beginning of another or that she reigned 70 years. I feel this is all part of God's timeline.
I had a dream about the Queen's passing 3 years ago on October 1, 2019. In this dream, I believe God showed me that the Bride of Christ (as a type of Elizabeth-- Queen Elizabeth III) will symbolically take the Queen's seat of royal authority, eat at her table, and wear her mantle.
The Lord has highlighted the name Elizabeth as being very significant in understanding this transition and the royal, priestly position the Bride of Christ will be taking in this new cycle of sevens.
Elizabeth means literally: (El) (Sheba) God of Seven. I believe this is significant in many ways. The dual form of the word means sevenfold. In this next cycle of sevens that is beginning, I believe we will begin to see a release of the sevens. One of these, I sense, will be the release to the corporate Body a greater revelation of the Sevenfold Spirit of God as related to the fullness of God in and upon us. In addition, based upon a powerful encounter I had in January 2021, I believe we are entering the time where the Seven Thunders from Revelation 10 will be released.
The name Elizabeth at its root also means "My God is abundance". This abundance refers to fullness or being satisfied as with food. God is looking to come in His FULLNESS upon His people. We as the Bride of Christ who eat of the good Word of the Lord will be satisfied with the fullness and abundance of God Himself.
In the Bible, Elizabeth was the mother of all priests (Aaron's wife). She was also a Levite and the wife of a priest (Zechariah's wife). And of great significance, Elizabeth carried the Spirit of Elijah in her WOMB. Because of her prayers and the prayers of her priestly husband, the spirit of Elijah was birthed through her into the earth to prepare the way for Christ's coming. In like manor, I believe as we enter this next cycle of sevens, that we will begin to see the Bride rise into her Levitical priesthood and through intercession carry and birth the spirit of Elijah into the earth to prepare the way for Jesus Christ's second coming.
We as the Remnant Bride will be given a greater supernatural revelation of our seat of governance and authority, our royal inheritance as heirs, our judicial position, our inclusion in the commonwealth of Israel, our joining as the living holy temple, and a greater revelation of throne room access that has been purchased for us. We will rise to take our position and wear our mantel in the earth.
All while deep darkness covers the earth, the Bride of Christ will be marked by growing love, unity, and increasing measures of the Glory and Authority of God.
This is just an overview of what I feel God has been revealing to me. In a later post, I will go into more detail about these things and share my dream about the Queens's passing.
References: Cycle of 7s, Elizabeth, Name Meaning