Until now the enemy has primarily hidden in the darkness and worked undercover in America. But I believe we are entering a time where the enemy will increasingly show his hand. The enemy is going to become more blatant, obvious, and in-your-face. Those pastors who don't have a world view that includes casting out demons in their congregation are going to be at a loss. They will be shaken up.
In my spirit I hear God saying, "I am raising up people who will train others to set the captives free. I am going to shake up the system in America. I will unseat false world views and bring the work of the enemy into the light and into the forefront so that it is dealt with and no longer slinks in the shadows of congregations.
We are in an all out war and the stakes just got higher. The enemy knows his time is short, and he is bringing his whole arsenal. It is up to the praying church to launch the counter attack. Let the remnant arise and pray night and day. Let My enemies be scattered."
In July, my husband and I with a team God put together, were preparing to simultaneously launch two ministries at our church. They involve Spirit led Celebrate Recovery with freedom ministry, inner healing, and deliverance. I knew that God had called us and that we were in His timing, yet I began battling feelings of inadequacy. I felt ill-equipped. I felt over my head.
With all of these feelings swirling, the Lord began to speak encouragement and strength into my spirit. As I reread these words from my journal again today, the Spirit of God began to rest upon me. I am sensing that there are others who have been given a similar call whom God is wanting to encourage and strengthen as well. God is raising up freedom fighters and bringing together freedom ministries. What you are doing is so needed and vital in this hour. I believe God wants me to share these words to embolden you to stand strong and keep moving forward in the calling He has placed upon your life.
"I love my children, and I want to see them free. It is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord. "You will not be able to will or to strive the enemy away. It is only by My power and My Spirit and My authority that these mountains...that these strongholds...will be removed. Your job is to stay close to Me where you can feel My breath--My Ruach, where you are able to hear My slightest whisper, where you are guided by the slightest touch of My hand.
You will have to trust Me explicitly as you won't be able to rely on anything in yourself. It is your relationship with Me and your nearness to Me that gives you authority--for I will lead you and guide you when you don't know what to do. I will train you for battle. I will make your hands strong and skilled. I will teach you what to say. This is a calling I have placed on your life, and I am mantling you for service. I am calling you as a laborer into the harvest where you are uniquely fitted and uniquely equipped to set the captives free.
You are an Esther. I have placed you in this position for such a time as this. Do not allow pride to rise up...for I oppose the proud and give grace to the humble. There is nothing in you that will set people free outside of Me. It is through abiding that the anointing flows to break the yoke of bondage."
"I am going to give you stories. I will equip and anoint you to speak. I will anoint your voice to call other laborers into the harvest, into this great work to call my bound army into the light to free my people so that they can stand and fight in these last days. Too many of My people are held captive and are run over by the enemy.
It is time to mobilize the troops. It is time to equip the saints to do all of the ministry that I did--heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, proclaim freedom for captives, and the favorable day of the Lord. It is time for the blind eyes to open--those stuck in religious mindsets and world views. It is time to decree 'RESTORE.'"
"But these people are robbed and looted. They are all trapped in pits and hidden in prisons. They have become prey with no one to rescue them. They have become loot with no one to say, 'Give it back.'"-Isaiah 42:22
"I will equip you for every good work. My Spirit is in you and will make available and give access to all that you need in the moment. The resources of heaven are at your fingertips and at your command.
Do not be afraid. I will empower you and embolden you to stand firmly in the position where I have placed you. I will give you a voice that people recognize carries My authority. I will give wisdom in how to proceed."
"Who holds the keys? I have a key that unlocks every prison door. There is nothing hidden that My light can't reveal. There is no wall and no barrier that I can't leap. There is nothing too lost or broken that I can't redeem. There is no one too far gone that I can't breath life into them. There is nothing, no nothing, that is too difficult for Me. Remember the demoniac with a legion of demons?
You've got what it takes for I am with you. I have marked you with My blood. You are mine. I am not going to let you drown or lead you into anything over your head for I will cause your feet to rise above and for your feet to walk upon water. Nothing shall be impossible or too difficult for you if you stay humble, stay connected, abide, follow My lead, and keep your eyes fixed upon Me.
There is no case too hard, for I am the One who cracks the case and exposes what is inside to My light. There is nothing that can run from My presence.
I am above all, in all, before all, and in Me all things hold together. Together we will run the rats off of territory and redeem lost inheritances."
"'Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You,"-Jeremiah 32:17