“There is....a time to be silent and a time to speak;”- Ecclesiastes 3:1a,7b
What the Lord has laid on my heart to share below is a sobering but necessary word. After receiving the following dream, I lost my voice for an entire week. The enemy doesn't want this message to go out.
Please read this with a prayerful and humble spirit. I believe working through the prayers at the end of this article will bring about freedom and new boldness.
Personally I have done a heart search and repented for times in my own life where I have not spoken when God has asked me to. This blog article is a step of obedience to do and say whatever I feel He is telling me, no matter what the cost.
What Have We Swallowed?
In a dream I was approached by a believing friend who whispered to me, “There is a pill called “MUTE” that people are swallowing.” It was clear within the dream that swallowing this pill was partnering unknowingly with a demonic agenda. This was a scheme the enemy didn’t want to be uncovered and found out.
As I sought the Lord on this matter, I saw a picture of a person's tongue wrapped and bound with a leather cord.
What I feel the Lord is saying is that there are righteous people in this hour who have swallowed a pill called “Mute”. I believe this is symbolic of a person choosing to be silent when it was God’s will for them to speak out. There was a moment when these people were prompted by God to use their voice, and they swallowed back their words. This in essence caused them to partner with a spirit of muteness and opened the door to a foothold in this area.
This demonic scheme is to bind the tongue and silence the righteous voice of the people of God. Because of this the voice of God and Word of God through His people is being somewhat muted. The enemy wants to keep this strategy hidden.
The heart of Jesus is to loose the cords of bondage from the tongues of His people. I believe the Lord is saying, “Do not keep quiet any longer. Do not keep silent.”
One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. -Acts 18:9
Through the leading of the Spirit, I began searching the Scriptures. I found that God has much to say about his people keeping silent. If we keep silent when God prompts us to speak, we are sinning against God and against the people we are called to speak out for and to.
Having a Mute Voice is a Sin when:
- It is A Time to Speak* (Eccl. 3:7)
-The Gospel should be shared. (Acts 18:9)
-God says to Pray (Isaiah 62:1,6-7; 1 Thess. 5:17)
-We don't speak out against Wickedness. (Ezekiel 3:18)
- Good should be spoken (Psalm 39:1-3)
-We are silent due to Fear (Acts 18:9)
-When we do not openly acknowledge Jesus because we love the approval of man more than God's. (John 12:42-43)
-We are silent from speaking the Truth (Zech. 3:16a)
-When we hold back from speaking the entire counsel of the Word (2 Tim 4:2)
-We do not speak out for the voiceless: the Defenseless, Afflicted, and Needy. (Proverbs 31:8-9)
-We do not say “Restore” -to those robbed, plundered, snared in holes, hidden in prison houses, and for prey. (Isaiah 42:22)
-Leadership: Shepherds (pastors) and Watchmen (prophetic and intercessors) do not sound a Warning. (Isaiah 56:10, Ezekiel 3:18)
“Open your mouth for the mute, For the rights of all who are unfortunate and defenseless; Open your mouth, judge righteously, And administer justice for the afflicted and needy.”-Proverbs 31:8-9 AMP
Personal Inventory & Prayer
Father God,
I repent for the times that I have kept silent when you have asked me to speak out. I repent for fearing people over fear of God. I repent for desiring the approval of people over Your approval, Lord. Forgive me for my apathy and indolence.
I have been rebellious and disobedient to your Word.
I ask that you would reveal specific times in my past that I have remained silent when You bid me to speak so that I may confess and repent of them now….
(Take time to write down what comes to mind. Praying through the scripture list above may be helpful.)
I repent,renounce, and nail to the cross every way and time (be specific to address each instance) I have “swallowed this pill called Mute” and partnered with the enemy by keeping silent when I should have spoken. Thank you for your forgiveness and for the blood of Jesus that covers over and cleanses me of these sins.
I turn to you Lord and surrender my heart, tongue, and mouth to be obedient to you.
I ask that you, Lord, would loose my tongue. Untie the cords that have bound me from speaking out. Awaken me from my slumber and complacency. You unclean mute and dumb spirit, I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ. Be Gone and do not return.
Jesus, please fill me up to overflow with the Holy Spirit. Give me the Spirit of the Fear of God and Boldness that I may speak fully every time you ask me to. Fill my heart with compassion that moves me to action on behalf of the defenseless, afflicted, and needy. Please make me sensitive to your promptings so that I don't miss another opportunity to be your mouthpiece.
In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord.
Corporate Intercession
We pray…that the church would not keep silent. May we no longer be tongue-tied. We ask that You, God, would loose the tongues of Your people. Loose the cords of bondage. Where the enemy has sought to bind the tongues of the righteous we say, “Tongues Be loosed” and “Voices Be Restored"in the name of Jesus Christ.
We pray that a Holy Boldness fall upon the Body of Christ to speak when it is a time to speak. To boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. To pray without ceasing. We pray that the righteous will speak out against wickedness and perverseness. We ask that we would not hold back from speaking the truth in love.
We pray that the Church would no longer be bound by fear, but that a revelation of the Fear of the Lord and His perfect Love be released upon this earth. Give us courage and compassion to speak out for those who have no voice, for the defenseless, afflicted, and needy.
We pray that those the Lord has placed as shepherds and watchmen over the flock awaken from their dreaming slumber, see what approaches, and sound the alarm giving the warning cry. May these cries not fall on deaf ears. We pray that the Body of Christ would not withhold their voice when good should be spoken.
May Spirit breathed words of Edification, Exhortation, Encouragement, Comfort, and Love abound between all believers. We pray that unbound mouths decree “Restore” -to those robbed, plundered, snared in holes, hidden in prison houses, and who are for prey (in the spiritual and natural). We pray that righteousness go forth as brightness and salvation as a burning torch across this land.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
*I recognize the flip side that there is also a Time to be Silent. It is wise to guard what comes out of our mouths and only speak the truth in love. However, in this blog I am addressing the specific issue of mute tongues which I feel the Lord impressed on my heart to share. I believe this issue is less obvious and therefore more easily obscured by the enemy.
-By Deborah Valentine
(received 3-14-18 during a fast)