In a dream, on 3-23-21, I found myself standing in a gathering hall in a large church. In it there was a large group of younger people having what looked like an extravagant party with feasting, entertainment, and much revelry. Some of the women were dressed provocatively, and it was clear that inappropriate behavior was taking place. As I looked around at all that was going on, I perceived that the food and other items cost a great deal of money. I heard laughter and saw that these were drunk on the things of this world, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life.
While I was taking in this scene, a man was standing to my left at just the edge of my peripheral vision so I couldn't fully look at him. By revelation I knew that he was an angel. Looking on, he began to speak. He voiced that these younger people were spending and squandering what the older generation had faithfully sewn, tithed, and invested into the church trusting that it would be spent wisely for the Kingdom of God. It was being used to please their own senses, entertain, and wasn’t leaving the walls of the church to win souls or help those in need. There was a lack of shepherding and oversight to what was taking place. Hearing this, I was deeply disturbed and grieved in my spirit.
I continued watching and saw a woman in my dream. She was half clothed, eating, laughing, and walking around lewdly within the church. Next, I saw in my spirit an elderly woman with gray hair representing the older generation. She was looking on with tears...weeping... grieved for she had pinched her pennies, and she had invested through fervent prayer into the church. This elderly woman had tithed faithfully, yet all that she had poured into the church for the younger generation for the building of the church was being squandered with riotous living. All the while she was ignored and disregarded. What she had left as an inheritance and as a birthright was being given up for a bowl of soup.
Next, I was taken in the dream to a dark hallway in the back of the church. Here, I saw an older minister coming down the hall toward a young woman. She pressed herself against the wall trying to make herself small and unnoticeable. Fear and shame exuded from her. She longed to hide. As the older pastor approached I could sense the monster in the man. He appeared in the dream as half man and half beast for the spirit of lust and perversion and the abuse of position and power had gone on unchecked. As this church leader unwantedly advanced upon the young woman and extended his hand to grope her, I woke up.
For days after this dream I was deeply disturbed in my spirit and filled with disgust. Then, the Lord began speaking to me in very strong terms concerning what I saw in the dream.
"Woe to the shepherds. Repent! or your sin will find you out.
I see everything that is going on within the walls of My church. It grieves My heart. Innocent ones are being hurt by the very ones who ought to be protecting them. Deep wounding is taking place within the very walls of My church that I have commissioned to bring healing.
I hear the cries. I see the tears. I see the confusion.
I see those shepherds who were commissioned to tend, care for, and feed the flock that I have given them, and yet they are the very wolves that are preying upon the sheep. I see the leaders who have given in to the monsters of lust, addiction, perversion, and greed. These are so distracted by their own devices that they are not watching over those whom I have placed under their care and under their watch.
The enemy has infiltrated the doors of my church. He is bringing deception and lies, trickery and falsehood. Many of my people are so distracted and so deceived that they do not even recognize the blatant movements of the enemy right in front of their noses. They are unaware of his tactics and his schemes. His devices are hidden from them even though they are done in plain sight.
A great purging is coming because of the wickedness and the error that has crept into my church. I will not tolerate this pollution!"
“Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!” declares the LORD. Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: “Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done,” declares the LORD. -Jeremiah 23:1-2
"For I have seen through the hole in the wall. I have seen the idolatry. I have seen the greed. I have seen the debauchery. I have seen the beast of lust that rides upon the pastors who should be shepherding my flock. They take advantage of the weak ones and pick them off one by one.
I have seen the squandering taking place by the younger generation who has abandoned the wisdom and the council and disregarded what the older generation has given to them as their inheritance. I have seen how my people have prostituted and paraded themselves around. They have scoffed and mocked at the older generation. They have thrown away morality. They eat and they wipe their mouth and they say, 'I have done nothing wrong'; and they do this in my own sanctuary. Enough!!
I will expose your lewdness for all to see. What you have done in dark halls where you thought no one was looking within my own house, I will bring into the light for all to see.
You have tolerated Jezebel in your midst for far too long. It is time, for those who tolerate Jezebel and those who turn a blind eye to her sexual impurity will be made to lie on a sickbed with her until these sins have been repented of."
"Behold, I will cast her onto a bed of sickness, and those who commit adultery with her will suffer great tribulation unless they repent of her deeds." -Revelation 2:22
"To those pastors who have stood firm and have not given in to temptation. You who have been betrayed, stabbed in the back, slandered, abandoned, yet you have remained faithful to the truth and to the post I have called you to. I have heard your prayers. I have seen your tears. I have felt the knife wounds that have sliced your back. Behold, your prayers have reached My ears, and I am coming to help you. I am sending those who will stand along side you and support you. I am firmly behind you. My righteous right arm is extended on your behalf. I will take care of your need. I am your Provider. I will release new strategy to navigate the times ahead. I am proud of you. Keep holding the line. Be strong and take courage. Strengthen your feeble knees. My weary pastors, I am coming with times of refreshment for you."
Then song lyrics began playing in my spirit as though God is singing them over you: "Lean on Me when you're not strong. I’ll be your friend. I’ll help you carry on."
"Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees," -Hebrews 12:12 ESV
"My heart is for my righteous righteous remnant. I see you where I have planted you in churches and communities across the nation of America and across the globe. I see your hearts and your passionate fire for Me. I see your zeal for purity and holiness. I see your consecration and your devotion to My will, My way, and My Word. I see that you are robed in white. You have not allowed your garments to become stained by the things of this world and the darkness and pollution surrounding you. I am proud of you, My righteous ones, for standing firm in the midst of the distortion and confusion. In the midst of the darkness you are shining brightly. You are holding your torches high, and you have not ceased to call upon My name in prayer and in seeking My face. You have refused to drink from the goblet of compromise. You have feared My Name and lifted Me up as Lord in your life.
Get ready for a promotion. There is about to be a promotion in the ranks, for those who are first will be last and those who are last will be first. I am removing the Big Shots and stationing my tested faithful rooks in their place."
"I will set shepherds over them who will care for them, and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall any be missing, declares the LORD." -Jeremiah 23:4
(Dream received on 3-23-2021 with greater understanding received on 11-19-2021 by Deborah Valentine)
Sounds like your dream is a reflection of the leadership in your church. A reality deep down you know to be true but are too afraid to confront it. God has given us wonderful intuition with these sort of life experiences but when we’re too close we refuse to see it. Your dreams are trying to tell you something. Godspeed.